Karmen (now known as Karma) was just a few months old when a compassionate passerby found her on the street, injured and alone, and brought her to the Dumb Friends League. Our veterinary services team suspected the painful wounds on her face and in her eyes were likely caused by chemical or electrical burns. This harrowing experience may have impaired Karma’s vision, but it didn’t impact her purely sweet disposition — a testament to her remarkable spirit.
Over the coming weeks and months, Karma’s progress was closely monitored as our staff and volunteers poured their time and talents into her recovery. Like other animals in our care, Karma experienced many changes in her routine during her stay. Her extensive medical care meant many new faces, regular trips to the ophthalmologist for specialized diagnostics and treatment, and eye drops that likely added to her daily stress.
Additionally, Karma spent a short period in foster care and was even adopted twice during her early days with us. She called one of these places home for more than three months, until her steadfast love for, and loyalty to, her adopter hindered her relationship with another dog already in the home. It was clear Karma would need to be some lucky person’s one and only.
Soon, Karma was welcomed back to the League with open arms, and our mission to find the right fit for her was back on. For nearly three more months, she warmed our hearts while waiting patiently to find someone to call her own. Finally, just a week shy of the one-year anniversary of her arrival at our shelter, her wish and our dream came true when a patron named Angie agreed to meet her.
“I went in looking to meet four other dogs,” Angie recalled. (Karma was not on this initial list.) Angie shared with her Adoptions Counselor that she worked long hours from home – a lifestyle that would be ideal for dogs like Karma who feel most comfortable with their person nearby. She agreed to meet the famous Karma, and the rest, as they say, is history.
“When they brought her in, I had no idea what to expect … she just wanted to cuddle and love up,” Angie said. “That was what sold me on her – her trusting nature and the love she still has in her.”
Karma proudly walked out of our doors for the last time that day, surrounded by celebratory hugs, hoots, and hollers from her friends at the League. She was headed home.
Now, Karma enjoys riding in cars with her head out the window, cozying up as closely as she can in bed, and snoring loudly next to Angie’s desk (that is, until she hears the “w word” meaning a treasured walk is on the horizon!). Angie reported that from her first night, Karma seemed to feel relaxed, safe, and loved.
As Angie shows Karma the love she’s always deserved, she’s also continuing to diligently work with her on socializing and building trust with others. With each small victory, Angie’s pride and love for Karma grows. “She does as much for me as I’m trying to do for her,” she shared. “I could do all the proactive work I wanted [to try to find the “right” dog for me] … but ultimately, what I thought I wanted wasn’t necessarily what I needed.” Seems as though this match was written in the stars.
Are you interested in being a hero for a long-term resident like Karma? Often, extended stays in a shelter can cause new or intensified behavioral issues to develop, which can make things challenging for newly matched pairs after adoption day. But fear not! Our behavioral specialists are here to support you every step of the way by ensuring you and your new dog are set up for success!
We invite you to attend Now Recruiting Heroes, a free learning session focused on providing new and potential adopters with knowledge, resources, and other superpowers to care for dogs with complex behavioral needs. Participants will work with League experts to learn what to expect and how to support their new dog now and long into the future.
Sign up today for our next Now Recruiting Heroes sessions on September 16 (virtual) and September 17 (in-person).