County | Partner | Phone |
Adams | Adams County Animal Shelter & Control | 303-288-3294 |
Alamosa | Alamosa County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-589-6608 |
Arapahoe | Arapahoe County Animal Control | 720-874-6750 |
Archuleta | Archuleta County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-264-2131 |
Baca | Baca County Sheriff | 719-523-6677 |
Bent | Bent County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-456-1363 |
Boulder | Boulder County Animal Control/Sheriff | 303-441-3626 |
Boulder | Humane Society of Boulder Valley | 303-442-4030 |
Broomfield | Broomfield Animal Control/PD | 303-438-6400 |
Chaffee | Chaffee County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-539-1077 |
Cheyenne | Cheyenne County Sheriff | 719-767-5633 |
Clear Creek | Clear Creek County Animal Control/Sheriff | 303-679-2393 |
Conejos | Conejos County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-376-2196 |
Costilla | Costilla County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-672-3302 |
Crowley | Crowley County Animal Control | 719-267-5555 |
Custer | Custer County Sheriff | 719-783-2270 |
Delta | Delta County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-874-2000 |
Denver | Denver Animal Control | 311 |
Denver | Dumb Friends League | 303-923-0022 |
Dolores | Dolores County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-677-2257 |
Douglas | Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region | 719-473-1741 |
Douglas | Douglas County Animal Services/Sheriff | 303-660-7500 |
Eagle | Eagle County Animal Services | 970-328-3647 |
El Paso | Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region | 719-473-1741 |
Elbert | Elbert County Animal Control/Sheriff | 303-621-2027 |
Fremont | Fremont County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-276-5555 |
Garfield | Garfield County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-945-1377 x 5364 |
Gilpin | Gilpin County Sheriff | 303-582-5500 |
Grand | Grand County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-887-2988 |
Gunnison | Gunnison County Sheriff | 970-641-1113 |
Hinsdale | Hinsdale County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-944-2291 |
Huerfano | Huerfano County Sheriff | 719-738-1044 |
Jackson | Jackson County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-723-4242 |
Jefferson | Jefferson County Animal Control/Sheriff | 303-271-5070 |
Kiowa | Kiowa County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-438-5411 |
Kit Carson | Kit Carson County Sheriff | 719-346-8934 x 306 |
La Plata | La Plata County Sheriff | 970-385-2900 |
Lake | Lake County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-486-1249 |
Larimer | Larimer County Humane Society (AKA as Larimer County Animal Protection & Control Dept) | 970-226-3647 |
Las Animas | Las Animas County Sheriff | 719-846-2211 |
Lincoln | Lincoln County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-743-2426 |
Logan | Logan County Sheriff | 970-522-2578 |
Mesa | Mesa County Animal Shelter/Control | 970-242-4646 |
Mineral | Mineral County Sheriff | 719-658-2600 |
Moffat | Moffat County Sheriff | 970-824-4495 |
Moffat | Moffat County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-824-7235 |
Montezuma | Montezuma County Sheriff | 970-565-8452 |
Montrose | Montrose County Sheriff | 970-252-4023 |
Morgan | Morgan County Sheriff | 970-867-2461 |
Otero | La Junta Animal Rescue | 719-468-1347 |
Otero | Otero County Sheriff | 719-384-5941 |
Ouray | Ouray County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-325-7272 |
Park | Park County Animal Control /Sheriff | 719-836-4380 |
Phillips | Phillips County Sheriff | 970-854-3644 |
Pitkin | Pitkin County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-920-5300 |
Prowers | Prowers County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-336-8050 |
Pueblo | Pueblo Animal Services / Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region | 719-544-3005 |
Rio Blanco | Rio Blanco Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-878-9600 |
Rio Grande | Rio Grande County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-657-4000 |
Routt | Routt County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-879-1090 |
Saguache | Saguache County Sheriff | 719-655-2544 |
San Juan | San Juan Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-387-5531 |
San Miguel | San Miguel County Sheriff | 970-728-1911 |
San Miguel | Telluride Marshal’s Department | 970-728-3818 |
Sedgwick | Sedgwick County Sheriff | 970-474-3355 |
Summit | Summit County Animal Control/Shelter/Sheriff | 970-668-8600 |
Teller | Teller County Animal Control/Sheriff | 719-687-9652 |
Washington | Washington County Sheriff | 970-345-6865 |
Weld | Weld County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-356-4015 x2849 |
Yuma | Yuma County Animal Control/Sheriff | 970-332-4805 |